T&P Experiment + Festival

To move with physics is to realize your body. To dance with chemistry is to accept your soul. Combining both could be the most exhilarating thing you have ever done.

Touch&Play (2010)


This year’s festival is all SOLD OUT!!


In this second edition of the T&P Festival and first edition of the T&P experiment we hope to take you on a journey exploring the (al)chemical edges of Contact. We ask ourselves what happens when we stop ‘dancing’ contact and just start doing it. Can we look beyond the weight sharing, lifts and spirals and find the essence of what it means to be in Contact with someone?

After an inspiring first edition of the festival last year in Berlin we decided to also create a space for more rigorous research into the boundaries of Contact: playful, sensual, sexual, emotional, forceful, therapeutic, political and spiritual. The Touch&Play Experiment  is a container for structured self guided exploration into this (al)chemical body and how it relates to our form and community.  This week-long lab is open to a select group of teachers, performers, investigators and other dedicated individuals from the CI world and other related disciplines.

The festival will follow on directly from the research week and be enriched by the experiments and relationships developed there.

Festival registration is OPEN

but we only have a few package tickets for the festival and post-workshop left. We may release more festival only tickets in May after we’ve visited the venue and reassessed its capacity

There are still tickets for the 4-day Post-Festival Intensive, “Poetics of Touch” by Karl Frost (29 June – 2 July)

Video Clip T&P Festival 2010 Berlin

Video File: http://2011.touchandplay.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/touch-and-play-adclip.m4v

Touching and playfully yours, Daniel & Jenny