Pages with T&P Spectrum Purple

T&P Spectrum Purple: Sexuality, tantra

Low Flying Contact – Wim Franken

It is difficult to get a space that is suitable for a project like this and to have interested bodies & minds to experiment with the mixture of dance, flying and bdsm. I am very curious about what will happen in the given situation (e.g. using movement, trapezes, nakedness, bdsm, silences) and how people will experience this, both as performer and/or spectator.

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Genders & Sexualities on the Surface: researching the embodied experience – Kim Lasdon

I’ve been investigating and researching a project called ‘lesbian bodies/contact improvisation’ with my local community (amazingly abundant with queer women!) in collaboration with lesbian/queer women dancers in Ireland. Our investigations include dancing the ‘shadow of contact’ score, which was generated by and came to us from the West Coast/San Francisco contact community.

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Tenderness is a form of existence – Ina Stockem

I want to explore touch as a communication tool, a language of touch to connect. Why are there so many highly developped methods of giving professional feedback, on communication skills via coaching, intervision and mentoring – based on verbal language only? How can u read and listen body language in order to fulfill the need of the person on a physical level?

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Sensual Politics – Daniel Mang

The basic ideas up for reflection and discussion in this lab: a) The boundary between sexuality and sensuality is drawn differently by different people. b) Doing a lot of contact improvisation can change sexual desire.

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The Bonobo Garden – Saskia Mieszkalski

Saskia will go into aspects of apish (and human) communications. During the process we will activate our senses and look at the resulting emotions. After this introductive learning experience, the space will be opened for all forms of apish interaction. Ambient jungle sounds and a selection of typical Bonobo food will be provided. The rest will be left to the participants’ imagination. Clothing as well as the use of tools are optional, communication is reduced to onomatopoetics.

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Building safer spaces and consent — Rachel Dean

One of the aspects of Contact Improvisation that appeals to and fascinates me is its potential as a playground for learning, practicing and experimenting with the ways in which we communicate and build relationships as human beings.

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Tantric Doorways into Contact — Jocasta Crofts

I would like to offer a space to go deep into meditative practises using breath, opening the senses, working with the energy that is generated by the male/female polarity, moving energy through the body centers of the Chakras. All these will be our doorways to open our dance, alone or together.

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The Strong Dance & the Bad Dance — Ulli Wittemann

In Touch and Play I would like to create a space for exploring the “strong dance”, in which I want to integrate my 20 years experience in different martial arts forms. I would also like to explore “Bad contact”, in which we could each explore stretching the limits of dancing.

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Postromantic Dance — Daniel Mang

3 Lab proposals: 1.1. “Sensual Politics” 1.2. “Deconstructing Masculinities” 1.3. “Postromantic Dance”

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Origins of Sensibility and Lust — Marina Kronkvist

As a contribution to the Touch&Play Festival I offer a workshop I will give at the Sydney Xplore-festival in April 2011. I’m also very interested in what the days of Experiment brings up to offer at the Festival

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