Pages with T&P Spectrum Orange

T&P Spectrum Orange: Emotions, role-playing, relationships

Life cycles – Laura Staniland

My impression is that every festival has a natural life cycle (having a basic birth, life, death…but also perhaps having a childhood, adolescence, maturity and mid-point crisis) and I think working with this idea and making this cycle distinct would make for a more enlivened festival and experience for everyone involved. From this perspective I have two proposals of contribution to the festival that I would like to explore and research during the experiment: 1. Re-childing. I’d like to create a space, perhaps in the mid-point of the festival, which people people enter as adults and leave as children – seeing the festival through new childlike eyes, playing with their new child playmates and bringing their innocence into the space. This would be informed by my experiences working with masks, clown, immersive performance and live-action role play. 2. Exploring, subverting, perverting and swapping our masks. This is about bringing our self-concepts, the stories we embody about ourselves, and our constructs of “who we are” and playing with them in our dancing. For me its a very joyful experience to turn these ideas about myself on their heads, and I’m curious about how it would be to do it as a group, to try on other people’s ideas and to play with that chemistry together. For me this is about the ‘adolescence’ of the festival – that point where everyone is beginning to figure out who’s who, and ‘how things work’….I’d like to play around with that. Read Laura Staniland’s biography      

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Drama and Contact – Sonja Bruhlman

I would like to explore what happens if we take these images, emotions and qualities of different characters (and ultimately ourselves) into a contact encounter (a physical encounter of two people). In other words: how can allowing us to live emotions expand the possibilities of finding different qualities in the dance? And vice versa, how can the touchability that we experience in contact help us to find authenticity in acting?

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Ki Dialogue – Richard Sarco-Thomas

What is happening energetically when we are in a state of physical consensual communion with another/others? Where do the barriers naturally come in and where they dissipate? What defines awake: immediate, constant, surrender, compassion, powerful, vulnerable, aggressive, undetectable, undeniable, integral and paradoxical?

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Swarm Games – Bertrand Kludor

We experiment with swarm behaviour by setting collective scores and giving single individuals extra ideas to touch and lead the swarm.

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Gaming Emotions – Bertrand Kludor

Gaining stronger emotions, instead of taming emotions. The workshop seeks to enlarge personal and collective emotional playing fields on two traces. The first trace sharpens basic emotions and translates them into movements and contacts. The second trace introduces different types of games to enrich the playful site of emotional contact improvisation.

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Somatic Dialogue – K’lo Harris

There is a school of therapeutic thought that believes in body memory, that the body stores memories, this is especially true perhaps of trauma. If we do not process it then it does not go away but finds some were to hide until a situation arises that will unlock it again, allowing us another chance to heal perhaps.

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Tenderness is a form of existence – Ina Stockem

I want to explore touch as a communication tool, a language of touch to connect. Why are there so many highly developped methods of giving professional feedback, on communication skills via coaching, intervision and mentoring – based on verbal language only? How can u read and listen body language in order to fulfill the need of the person on a physical level?

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Tango: Passion & Duality — David Firmin

The tango is a dance which the emotion defines the possibilities of moving. In this workshop we will explore the couple as a source of creativity for the movement. Establish an intimate relationship through the embrace.

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Building safer spaces and consent — Rachel Dean

One of the aspects of Contact Improvisation that appeals to and fascinates me is its potential as a playground for learning, practicing and experimenting with the ways in which we communicate and build relationships as human beings.

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Working with(out) armour: transforming (motoric, emotional, ideological) blindness — Koen Vanbiesbrouck

My interest is in integrating (my) body and mind (or rather letting go of disintegrating experiences and patterns) and overcoming ‘dualism’ so common in Western culture, theoretically as well as in (my) daily life.

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