Poetics of Touch: Post-Festival Intensive by Karl Frost

This four-day intensive will focus on the art-making inside of the practice of contact improvisation. We use our base in the physical skills and sensitivities of contact improvisation to explore a kind of collaborative art-making of personal experience… the poetics of human contact. The workshop will look at the kinesthetic side of the dance and the somatic-psychological possibilities of touch and human interaction. The dance will be explored in terms of the felt experience of the dance, both for its own sake and as a potential source for stage performance… dance not just about repeating acrobatics, but looking at a sense of personal meaning within the dance.

Go to Poetics of Touch web page
Go to Karl Frost’s Biography


The intensive runs from Wednesday the 29th of June untill Saturday the 2nd of July with tuesday after the festival for resting and exploring the surroundings.


Every day will consist of two teaching sessions of 3-4hours each with the possibility to holds jams during the evenings that we would like…


Catering is provided by the same ec0-community as during the Festival and participants.


Particpants will be given private or shared room with 1-2 other people at our beautiful festival location..


Price for the 4-day intensive plus food and accommodation
For those attending the Festival: €150,-
For those only coming to the Intensive: €200,-


Please visit the registration page for details


If you have any doubts please write us an email (info@touchandplay.org)