David Firmin
I’ve been studying, dancing and performing in the field of improvisation for the past ten years.
I started with Contact-Improvisation and then trained in other techniques of improvisation, physical theatre, butoh, body-weather, and tango.
I have participated in residences at Caldera (Calderaexpress with Benoit Lachambre) and L’Animal Celra (Mediteraneo Encounter with Lisa Nelson, María Muñoz..), and several shows and performances in Spain and France.
People that have inspired me are: Lisa Nelson, for her aesthetic vision of movement; David Zambrano, for his group work and Martin Keogh for his emotional game.
Four years ago I started studying Body-Mind-Centering®, and have completed the modules on Organs, Fluids and Development of the baby. With tango, I developed a more social and at the same time intimate dance. The investigation of non-dual Yoga opened me, to not define the body as an object but as possibility, and an open exploration of what we call space.
The past year I’ve intensively taught Tango and Contact Improvisation.
Read about David Firmin’s Tango: Passion & Duality workshop